Informed Consent Form – Stages Theatre Company

Cleaning Practices Implemented

- Hepa Air purifiers are in classrooms and will be run during every class.
- All spaces are sanitized frequently with high-alcohol spray.
- Hand Sanitizer is available at many locations throughout the building, and students are welcome to bring their own as well.
- Restrooms will be available and will be cleaned frequently.

New Building Procedures

- In accordance with CDC recommendations, masks are required at all times. Students will be required to wear masks during class, and we will allow for frequent breaks to ensure the comfort and safety of students.
- Classes will all come through the front door, and only one class will enter at a time.
- Students will have their temperature checked at the door before entering the building.
- Parents are asked to remain in the car in the parking lot when dropping off and picking up, when possible. Parents are asked to not wait in the lobby during the class session.
- All classes that have seated components will have allotted areas that are marked 6-feet apart.
- Teachers and staff will be required to wear masks at all times.

Student will not be admitted to class if anyone in the household, including the student is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or has been exposed to anyone tested positive for COVID-19, or is feeling ill.

Symptoms include:
- Fever or Chills
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or Body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or Runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea

Any child, or staff member that is seemingly ill will be asked to be picked up and leave immediately.

Any child, or staff member with a temperature over 100.4 will be asked to be picked up and leave immediately.

If a student, faculty, or staff member has had COVID-19, they must provide written clearance from their doctor to return to the studio.
All students must accept the waiver in order to take class. Students will not be allowed to be in class if the waiver is not signed.

This form is intended to make parents and students are aware of all current protocols STC and the HCA are using for any mask-to-mask activities, and our expectations for participants. We consider safety a partnership with our instructors, staff and families, and of the highest importance. Thank you for your partnership.
Please check all the boxes, acknowledging you are aware of each one and complete the information form below that. Thank you!